Sat. 22 August 2009
Finally here. It was a long flight—O’Hare to Brussels, and 3 hours later (with delayed departure) Brussels to Chennai. After what seemed an interminable flight (with two-ad-a-half Bollywood movies and a couple of naps to pass the time), it was good to touch down safely in Chennai. With H1N1 coming to India, there was a new checkpoint at customs. I had to present the form I filled out on the plane while they pointed a gun-like thermometer at my bindi-spot! I cleared customs no problem, but of course, my bags were among the last offloaded from the plane (did they get lost? did the last minute change in flight numbers mean they were delayed? will my friends outside think I didn’t arrive after all?). But they finally arrived, and for this suddenly lonely, uprooted foreigner, it was a really good feeling to see Joseph and Gabriel waiting outside with big smiles and a warm greeting. They shipped me back to the college and moved me into my room at the International Guest House. Everything was ready for me—sandwiches and a warm drink, bottled water, and the room neat as a pin with beds invitingly made. I unpacked my things, including the speakers and flashlight I had tucked away so carefully I could not find them at first (and was ready to accuse Transportation Safety Administration of confiscating them after inspecting my bags…again!). Finally off to bed, safe and sound in my home away from home.
Saturday morning, my first full day in India! I can’t believe I slept till 10, especially since I miscalculated when setting the clock and thought it was only 9. Due to the H1N1 scare, the college is closed for the next week. That gives me more time to get a paper ready for a September conference in Trichy, but it means the college mess is closed. Good friend Gabriel made sure I got breakfast, boiled egg and iddly with chutney. Good chance to catch up with him and renew acquaintance with his wife and children. We also talked about what my life will be like here, especially MCC’s expectations for my teaching and travel (exciting stuff!). Back at my room I started my blog entry and Joseph knocked to check on me with a home-made breakfast (he heard I woke up late, but not that I had eaten!). After a few more minutes composing this entry, old friend Kingsley knocks to welcome me to MCC. He’s glad to hear all the news from Elmhurst (where he spent a year as visiting professor), and I get to hear about his new position at University of Madras. Lunch was waiting for me when he left, and after snapping a few pix around the guest house, I’m unwinding for the afternoon. I’ll have regular access to the internet starting Monday, and I hope to get a new SIM card for my phone sooner than that. I’m feeling very out-of-touch with Virginia right now, but we’ll get that all fixed soon.
Not all entries will get this specific, but hey, I’ve got some unexpected time on my hands! More later.